Chiacchiere from Italy

Don’t just look at the packaging! The heart is the soul of our product thanks to the passion of our employees.

Discover our special lines.

Bugie dolci logo compagnia dei golosi

Compagnia dei golosi (Company of gluttons)

Chiacchiere artigianali halloween


Healthy line

Vendita bugie di carnevale linea love is

Love is ... celebrates Love!

Bugia dolce momenti insieme

Momenti insieme (Moments together of high italian pastry)

Genuine and tasty products ready for delivery


A pratical and tasty novelty

Enjoy goodness wherever and whoever you want

Success ingredients

There are stories that arise by chance, that rise with the ingredients of passion ,commitment and the pursuit of quality. Like the story of Fausto Pizzoccheri, a young descendant of bakers family. In 1961, at the age of 21, with a bit of recklessness and a lot of will, he started his first business in his family shop, producing and selling “tortellini and gnocchi”.

To get a good puff pastry requires high quality raw material.